There are quite a few visitors to Thailand, who put Pattaya on a level with Thailand, or transfer their experiences they have made in the beer bars to the entire country. These so-called "Thailand Friends" are in fact "Pattayafriends." They have, except for what happens at the bars, no interest in country, people or culture. Many of them, after a few weeks stay in the tourist centers, assume to be able to render a judgment on about Thailand and the Thai people. Their entire knowledge of this country however, has been acquired from the Bargirls at the countless beer bars in the tourist centers. This is especially true for the late bloomer, who despite their for western women already exhausted expiration date, are able to play the Big Boss in all the Pattaya beer bars, and to get pampered by a young girl. From the impression that they have got from the girls, they acquire their opinion about the entire country.
The always merry Bargirls bear a lot of responsibility when Thailand has gotten a somewhat negative reputation in the western world. But all these girls are not working at the bar, because they can not sleep, but because it gives them the opportunity, to support their families at home. They are, however, quite unlike the prostitutes in Europe or America, who are interested only in a fast settlement of the transaction. The ladies try to spend as long as possible, if possible the entire time of vacation with the customer. Of course the girl prefers a nice guy who spoils her, rather than a ruffian, for whom she is merely a sex object.
But she will never lose sight of her primary goal, to get as much money out of him as possible. From such a longer relationship will often even result love. This is however usually limited to the side of the man. He may actually fall in love to the gentle creature that is pampering him day and night during his holiday, and forgets that the girl’s real interest is to earn money. He is incredibly disappointed when one day he is ripped out of his dreams and finds out, that for the girl it is not to the great love, even if she has told him "I love you to much".
The girls at the bars do this job voluntarily. If there is a constraint, then it is the need to earn the money. After all, a Bargirl when she really has good luck will earn in one night as much money as people in her home village can earn in an entire month. Almost all the Bargirls come from poorer families. They have no proper schooling, and certainly no professional training. Almost all have children and a husband who has abandoned them. They need money to send home for their children and for their families, where her children grow up. People who really know about the lives of Bargirls in Pattaya knows however, that from all the thousands of girls working at the bars, only a few make the amount of money necessary to send home for the family. It would be safe to say, that only one girl in ten will be lucky enough to find a well off sponsor, spending enough money for the construction of a house in Isaan.
One should beware however, to condemn these girls. If one has got a German passport, it means at least social welfare for everybody in need. From this secure position now to look down on the "immoral" Thai women is pure hypocrisy
We Farang should rejoice every day, not to have been born in the land of rice fields without any social hammock, instead to sniff at the immoral activity of a Thai woman. A young girl loaning her young body for a petty fee to a Farang usually more than twice her age, to maintain her family in Isaan, deserves in my view more respect than the guy sitting in Pattaya beer bars and writing in Internetforen, erupting in self-pity and relentless condemnation of Thai woman.Because they are of the opinion that despite their generous use of some 500 Baht notes they have not been able to receive real love from a Thai Lady
Even the unlucky guy, who has been screwed by his lawful wedded wife, should not immediately be looking for some cheap excuses to blame everything only to her. If one has failed, to "subdue" his exotic wife, so that she refuses to serve any longer at night as a always available prostitute, and during the day as chaste housewife in the kitchen, should ask himself what he has done wrong. Thai woman are - despite the fact that they rent her body at the bar - very self-conscious women, and expect to be accepted to her partner as they are. Who is feeling up to marrying a one-time Bargirl, will generally run a greater risk than with a woman from his country. This especially where, as in most cases, a significant difference in age exists. But there are nevertheless enough examples of such alliances, durable
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Farang in Thailand
I am living in Thailand for more than 20 years and have written some books about my experiences as Expat in Thailand. The books were published in Germany and in German language. As I was asked by people not speaking German, where to find my stories in English, I will now publish my stories in this homepage, for all English speaking People interested how to (over)live in Thailand.